How I Racked Up $558.64 in December On Medium?

Can you believe it? I made a whopping $558.64 on Medium last December! And guess what? It’s not just about the money— I also managed to snag 881 new followers and 25 email subscribers along the way.

So, sit tight and let me spill the beans on how this magic happened and why finding the time to write is the key.

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Discovering the Medium Gold Mine

You might be wondering, “How on earth did I stumble upon this Medium gold mine?”

Well, it all started with a simple realization: finding time to write doesn’t have to be a hassle.

In fact, it’s all about turning those idle moments into productive ones.

Waiting for your coffee to brew? Boom!

There’s a paragraph. Commuting to work? That’s another idea right there.

The Power of Consistency: A Month-Long Journey

One thing I’ve learned is that consistency pays off.

It’s not about writing a viral article every day but rather about consistently putting out quality content.

Think of it as planting seeds.

Sure, not every seed grows into a giant oak tree, but over time, you’ll have a forest.

Finding the time to write daily, even if it’s just 30 minutes, can work wonders.

Image created with Canva

Cracking the Code: SEO and My Medium Success

SEO, the mysterious wizard of the online world.

When I started paying attention to keywords and optimizing my headlines, things took a turn for the better.

It’s like giving your articles a roadmap for search engines. “How to” and “Top 10” headlines are like magnets for readers and algorithms alike.

So, don’t shy away from finding time to write compelling headlines.

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The Money Talk: Monetizing With Medium Partner Program

Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty— the money.

The Medium Partner Program is a game-changer.

By consistently producing quality content and getting claps from readers, you open the door to earning money.

But remember, it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme.

It’s about finding time to write meaningful pieces that resonate with your audience.

Building a Tribe: 25 New Email Subscribers

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Email subscribers are like the VIPs of your writing journey.

They want more of your content directly in their inbox. How did I get 25 of them in a month?

Simple. I added a call-to-action at the end of my articles, inviting readers to join my tribe.

It’s about making the most of every opportunity and finding time to write that compelling outro.

Conclusion: Finding Time to Write, Making Money, and Growing Your Medium Presence

In a nutshell, my December on Medium was a rollercoaster of wins.

From making $558.64 to gaining 881 followers and 25 email subscribers, it’s proof that finding time to write and leveraging the power of the Medium platform can lead to success.

So, fellow writers, stop making excuses, start typing away, and watch the magic happen.

Your Medium journey awaits!

Hey there, amazing readers!

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Thank you for being awesome!

3 thoughts on “How I Racked Up $558.64 in December On Medium?”

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