How Not to Quit Writing on Medium?

Navigating the Writing Rollercoaster

Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank screen, wondering why you signed up for this writing journey on Medium?

Let’s face it — writing is no walk in the park. 

There are days when I’d rather binge-watch my favorite series or engage in some creative procrastination rather than wrestle with words.

Yet, here’s the kicker: I don’t want to quit. And if you’re nodding along, you probably don’t want to either.

So, how do we muster the strength to keep going when the writing road gets rocky?

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Embrace the Unpredictability

First off, let’s acknowledge the elephant in the room — writing is hard.

Some days the words flow effortlessly, and other days it’s like trying to squeeze water from a stone.

And that’s perfectly okay. The key is to embrace the unpredictability.

Give yourself permission to have off days.

It’s not about the quantity of words you produce but the commitment to showing up.

The beauty of Medium is its flexibility; your schedule, your rules. Take breaks, but always come back.

Also Read: How I Racked Up $558.64 in December On Medium?

Set Realistic Goals

Setting goals is crucial, but let’s be real — Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your writing empire won’t be either.

Start small and gradually increase your targets.

Whether it’s publishing one article a week or writing for 30 minutes daily, make your goals achievable.

Celebrate the small victories.

Completing a draft, gaining a few claps, or even just hitting the publish button — these are wins.

They fuel your motivation and remind you that you’re making progress.

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Cultivate Patience

Patience is not just a virtue; it’s a writer’s superpower.

Medium success doesn’t happen overnight. 

It’s a gradual process of refining your craft, building an audience, and learning from each piece you publish.

Trust the journey and be patient with yourself.

Remember, writing is a marathon, not a sprint.

The writers you admire didn’t reach where they are in a day.

They faced rejection, wrote imperfect pieces, and learned along the way.Be kind to yourself; growth takes time.

Also Read: 6 Smart Moves I Made When I Got Serious About My Blog

Stay Connected and Inspired

Writing on Medium doesn’t mean going it alone.

Join writing communities, follow fellow writers, and engage with your audience.

The Medium Partner Program might seem like a distant goal, but the support of a community can be a game-changer.

Read voraciously. Immerse yourself in the works of others.

It’s not about copying their style but understanding what captivates you as a reader.

Draw inspiration from diverse sources — the more you consume, the more you can infuse into your own writing.

Conclusion: Keep the Pen Moving

The key to not quitting on Medium is simple — keep the pen moving.

Writing is a journey of self-discovery, growth, and connection.

Embrace the challenges, set realistic goals, be patient, and surround yourself with inspiration.

Remember, your voice matters.

Whether your audience is one or a thousand, your words have the power to resonate and inspire.

So, the next time you feel the urge to throw in the towel, take a deep breath, remind yourself of your goals, and keep on writing.

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2 thoughts on “How Not to Quit Writing on Medium?”

  1. Pingback: How Much Medium Pays You for 1000 Reads On An Article ?  - Ask Aleax

  2. Pingback: How Often Should You Write on Medium? - Ask Aleax

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