Making Decent Money on Medium

I Am Making Decent Money on Medium Without a Niche

Have you ever felt confined by the walls of a niche, struggling to find your voice in a sea of specific topics?

I know I have. 

Let me take you on a journey through my experience with Medium, where I discovered that breaking free from the niche trap led me to unexpected success.

In the world of writing, we’re often advised to pick a niche, to specialize and focus.

I fell into that trap, diligently writing within the confines of a specific topic.

However, as time passed, I found my creativity stifled, and my results were far from extraordinary.

Therefore, I decided to rebel against the conventional wisdom. 

I gave myself the freedom to write about whatever intrigued me, regardless of fitting into a predefined niche.

How I Racked Up $558.64 in December On Medium? My medium success story.

And you know what?

The results were astonishing.

Now, I’m not advocating for everyone to abandon their niche, but I am sharing my personal journey.

Get This Ebook: Mastering Medium: A Comprehensive Guide to Boost Your Success
Making Decent Money on Medium
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There’s something liberating about exploring various topics, letting your curiosity guide your words.

It’s like opening a door to a world of untapped potential.

So, if you’re stuck in the niche grind and not seeing the results you crave, why not experiment with going niche-less? 

Allow yourself the flexibility to dive into any subject that sparks your interest.

Trust me; the freedom to explore will bring freshness to your writing and might just surprise you with its impact.

Also Read: How Often Should You Write on Medium?

Insights and Strategies 

Let me share the insights and strategies that helped me navigate the uncharted waters of niche-less writing on Medium.

Let’s dive in and discover how breaking free from the niche can lead to making decent money while enjoying the journey.

To embark on this journey of niche-less writing on Medium, the first question that popped into my mind was, “Can I really make it work without a specialized focus?” 

It turns out; the answer was a resounding yes.

Forget the conventional SEO rules for a moment. 

Instead, focus on authenticity.

When you write about what genuinely captivates you, your passion shines through the words, drawing readers in.

It’s like inviting them into a conversation rather than bombarding them with information.

Making Decent Money on Medium
Image created with Canva 

In the world of SEO, headlines play a crucial role. My pro tip? 

Craft purposeful and clear headlines that not only grab attention but also reflect the essence of your article.

Think about it: Why should someone invest their time in reading your work?

Make sure your headline answers that question convincingly.

Also Read: How Much Medium Pays You for 1000 Reads On An Article ? 

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room – making money. 

Without a niche, you might wonder if monetizing your Medium articles is still a viable option.

The answer is a resounding yes.

In fact, my earnings saw a significant boost when I embraced the freedom of writing without constraints.

Here’s the trick: Engage your readers.

Pose questions, share anecdotes, and create a sense of connection.

When readers feel a personal touch in your writing, they are more likely to stay, share, and even become subscribers.

It’s about building a community around your diverse content.

Experimentation is key. 

Don’t be afraid to test different topics and styles. Medium rewards consistency, so find a rhythm that suits you. 

As I navigated the uncharted waters of niche-less writing, I discovered that my audience appreciated the variety, and that reflected in my earnings.

Making Decent Money on Medium
Image created with Canva 

Final Thoughts 

My journey from a niche writer to embracing the freedom of writing on diverse topics has been nothing short of liberating.

If you find yourself trapped in the niche conundrum, take a leap of faith.

Experiment, write from the heart, and watch as your Medium journey transforms into a fulfilling and financially rewarding adventure.

After all, sometimes, breaking free from the niche is the key to unlocking your true potential.

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1 thought on “I Am Making Decent Money on Medium Without a Niche”

  1. Pingback: My 5 Best Advices for New Writers to Earn Big on Medium

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