The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo Book Review

Why do I read? Simple – for the sheer joy and privilege of stumbling upon a literary gem like “The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.”

Taylor Jenkins Reid, the magician behind this enchanting tale, had me questioning the very fabric of reality.

Could Evelyn Hugo, the revered Hollywood icon, and her seven husbands be merely figments of Reid’s imagination, or was this narrative a slice of life so vividly portrayed that it felt tangibly real?

Enter the glamorous world of Evelyn Hugo, where her life story becomes a mesmerizing odyssey unveiled to Monique Grant, a somewhat obscure writer chosen to pen down the memoir of this Hollywood legend.

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn
Image created with Canva

The unexpected pairing of the seasoned star and the relatively unknown wordsmith adds a layer of intrigue to an already tantalizing plot.

It’s a narrative concoction that keeps you on the edge – you never quite know what Hollywood bombshell Evelyn is going to drop next.

Initially, I braced myself for a fluffy, gossipy Hollywood romance, thinking, “Who needs seven husbands unless you’re in it for a good time?”

Little did I fathom that Reid had crafted a narrative that transcends the glitzy surface of Hollywood and delves deep into the profound complexities of love.

This isn’t just a tale of romantic entanglements; it’s a brutally honest exploration of love in all its forms, exposing the joy, sacrifices, and heartbreaks that accompany it.

At the heart of this literary spectacle is Evelyn Hugo, a character so intricately woven that her presence resonates beyond the pages.

She’s not a mere caricature of a Hollywood diva; she’s a nuanced, flawed, and authentically human persona.

It’s in her imperfections that she becomes relatable, and you find yourself cheering for her triumphs and empathizing with her struggles.

Reid’s portrayal is so vivid that you can almost feel the Hollywood aura emanating from Evelyn’s larger-than-life personality.

Also Read: Almost Adulting is A Must Read Book

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn
Image created with Canva 

Now, let’s talk about the artistry of Reid’s narrative technique.

The book employs alternative viewpoints, toggling between Monique’s perspective as she conducts interviews and Evelyn’s own voice narrating the saga of her life.

In a literary landscape where dual viewpoints can sometimes falter, Reid triumphs.

Every moment, whether seen through Monique’s lens or Evelyn’s lived experiences, is equally riveting.

There’s no dull side; it’s a harmonious interplay that keeps you captivated throughout.

As the final pages beckon, you’re left grappling with the echoes of Evelyn’s Hollywood glamour.

Reid doesn’t shy away from exposing the intricacies of love – the highs, the lows, and the messy in-betweens.

It’s a raw and unfiltered portrayal that stays with you, urging you to contemplate the profound tapestry of emotions woven into the fabric of every relationship.

This isn’t just a book; it’s a symphony of emotions, a love letter to love itself, with a Hollywood flair that elevates it to a cinematic experience on the pages.

So, here’s to Evelyn Hugo, Monique Grant, and Taylor Jenkins Reid – a trifecta that has gifted us a tale to savor, dissect, and cherish.

Raise your metaphorical glasses, for this literary masterpiece deserves a standing ovation that echoes through the corridors of your heart.

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